Our company is committed to photographing the world from a new perspective. We use the latest camera and drone technology to create stunning images and videos that tell a story and inspire awe. Our mission is to provide the highest quality, creative, and cost-effective visual content.
Police plan to use drones as first responders to emergencies with trials beginning next year across the UK. Initial trials under scheme Project Eagle X, will begin in Norfolk which has limited access to police
helicopters because they are stationed so far away.
Every time Fiona D’Arcy descends into a volcano—she’s visited 34 so far—the experience is unique. There was the one in Iceland that was so foggy, she and her colleagues got lost. The crater in Hawaii where her now-husband proposed. The Costa Rican volcano that erupted while she and others were inside. (They escaped.)
Pedro Cruz didn't just live through the wreckage that Hurricane Maria left in its path in Puerto Rico back in 2017. He watched the commotion in his hometown of San Juan by flying his drone overhead.
Maria made landfall on the southeast part of the island around 8 p.m., Cruz recalls in an interview with Popular Mechanics.
Have a question about the services we provide? Send us the details on the type of project you're looking to hire for, and we'll be happy to get back to you with a free quote and information.
957 Alla Avenue, Concord, California 94518, United States
925-330-2049 info@flyingsquiddrones.com The FAA strictly regulates where drones traffic. Properties are subject to airspace approvals prior to project completion. We work in difficult airspace and have existing wide area authorization.